We are happy to announce that VU EVAF professor T. Baležentis with co-authors has published an article in „Social Science & Medicine“ (ABS level 4), world’s leading journal in social science research on health. It is a remarkable achievement knowing there have been only 3 other same level publications in faculty’s history.


The 13th International ACM Conference on Web Science in 2021 (WebSci’21) is an interdisciplinary conference where a multitude of research disciplines converge with the purpose of creating a greater insight into a complex global Web than the sum of their individual parts.


The international conference organized by the Euro4Europe project team offers an opportunity to discuss and rethink key theories, concepts, and methods on economic integration, business cycles’ asymmetries and synchronization, the transmission of macroeconomic shocks on national, supranational, and regional scales. The Euro4Europe project, funded by the EU Social Fund, explores the impact of European integration on business cycle asymmetries (BCA) and provides empirical evidence about long-standing disputes whether integration increases or decreases BCA.