Alumni testimonials



Dr. Monika Baškytė
Head of „CasZyme“
Board member in Lithuanian Biotechnology Association
Board member in The American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania

Bachelor of Economics
Master of International Business

„In 2017, I received a doctoral degree in Social Sciences at Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics. Currently, I am head of the biotechnology company “CasZyme” that develops CRISPR Cas genome editing technology and uses it for designing molecular tools. During my studies at Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics, I met some amazing lecturers and students who enthused me about various topics in economics, international business, and marketing. Later I became a lecturer of the Faculty of Economics myself and raised a bunch of talented students."



Martynas Martikonis
Head of Marketing ElintaCharge, JSC: charging stations for electric vehicles manufacturer

Bachelor of Economics
Master of International Business Economics and Management

„Bachelor's diploma in Economics from VU FEBA has helped me acquire valuable knowledge and an economic mindset for starting a successful career. International Business Economics and Management master’s diploma from VU FEBA has further strengthened my knowledge base, boosted my professional confidence, and provided an advantage in the fiercely competitive labor market. I am thankful to my Alma Mater for plenty of warm connections in Lithuania and abroad that I find valuable every day, and a few of them have even turned into faithful friendships to this day."



Augustas Dragūnas
Board member, responsible for corporate finance and administration, SC „Energijos skirstymo operatorius“ (ESO)

Bachelor of Management and Business Administration
Master of Insurance Management

„I completed bachelor and master studies at Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, acquiring general knowledge in economics, finance, and management. I would like to thank VU FEBA for providing me the knowledge that was remarkably valuable in building my professional career. Later, as you continue to receive more practical knowledge and skills, and plan your further successful career, the following aspects become significant: 1) continuous personal development and deepening accumulated knowledge; 2) determination and courage to take advantage of opportunities the life provides; 3) responsibility and professional approach to colleagues and clients.

I currently work as a Board member of SC „Energijos skirstymo operatorius (ESO)”, a company owned by a country’s largest energy company group “Ignitis”. I am responsible for corporate finance and administration. ESO distributes the electricity and gas, maintains distribution networks to work reliably and efficiently, and takes care of network troubleshooting and connecting new customers."



Žilvinas Gailius
Head of Economics and Finance, JSC Iremas

Bachelor of Economics

„I studied a bachelor at Vilnius University in 2008-2012. Our studies began during the financial crisis, which acted as another school where you could observe events in real-time, analyze, and understand them. This was extremely useful for my future career. I currently hold the position of the Head of Economics and Finance at JSC Iremas. My company operates in the areas of installation, metal manufacturing, and repair, we currently have more than 500 employees."



Vytenis Šuklys
Vice-president for Finance and Administrations, Avion Express airlines

Bachelor of Economics

„I studied at the Faculty of Economics in 2003-2007, in the Economic Analysis branch of the Economics bachelor programme. Although my studies took place a while ago, I hold a lot of positive memories about lecturers and study content. It may sound odd, however, in my opinion, people who study alongside you are no less important than the quality of studies or the qualification of lecturers. When I joined studies in Economics, probably the most advanced students from all over Lithuania studied there. I clearly remember my first lecture of Higher Mathematics, when associate professor Vaclovas Daukšas asked students who gained 100 points at the final high school exam, to raise their hands. More than half of the group did! I was not among them, however, being with the best students subconsciously encourages endeavor, and fosters the mentality of the winner.

Today, I hold a position of Vice-president for Finance and Administrations in Avion Express airlines. I work in corporate finance for more than 15 years, and my career began at one of the BIG4 auditing companiesWithout long discussions on the relevance of the program and teaching quality, I would only state that I communicate with a lot of people from the financial sector and business environment, who hold high positions and pursue exciting careers. And there are a lot of my coursemates among them! To me, this is the best evidence that my choice to study at VU EVAF was worth it."



Laima Juknevičiūtė
Executive Director JSC Brolis semiconductors

Bachelor of Economics
Master's studies in applied macroeconomics

„Studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, VU, provided me a strong background to strive for ambitious goals. I mostly appreciate the fact that alongside the basic knowledge, University has taught me self-containment, independently seeking additional information, going deep into the topic, adapting the acquired knowledge in particular situations. These skills were extremely significant in my career: flexibility, courage to try new activities and readiness for constant improvement help me in my everyday work.

From studies at the university, each of us takes as much as they actually want."



Nora Žukauskaitė
Global Head of Marketing at Ciaté London

Bachelor of Management and Business Administration

„The area where I currently work has faced an incredible amount of changes in the past years. The way customers discover and purchase a product, and from the other side: the way companies sell it, is significantly different nowadays from the time I have studied in VU FEBA. Despite that, I often remember the classical marketing books I studied and sleepless nights of preparation for assignments. I had an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in management and corporate performance in practice during my studies, as I actively participated in student activities, and I am grateful to all who contributed to this. Such activities helped me promptly understand how the theory works in real-life situations. These were some of the most vivid years that will remain in my memory forever, thanks to the amazing VU FEBA community and people I met there."



Gabija Vanagė
CEO of MB Prolabus,
Creator and developer of the brand NESHKIS

Bachelor of Management and Business Administration

„I currently work as the CEO of my own company MB Prolabus and am a creator and developer of the brand NESHKIS. NESHKIS supports the idea of conscious consumption and believes that nowadays, the items we use must perform several functions. We aim at changing people’s attitudes towards reflectors by making stylish and playful products. We create different, unique light-reflecting accessories, backpacks, laptop and tablet cases, waist bags with integrated reflectors. Active urban and global explorers find the style, safety, and visibility here. I have studied Business Management at VU, later: Production Management, and I now went back to the work where the knowledge of production management is essential. Through all of my career, I have worked in positions where I could fully implement the knowledge I acquired at the university."



Kristina Graužinienė
CEO, Kelionių panorama

Bachelor of Management and Business Administration

„I received a bachelor's degree in Management and Business Administration at VU. I completed my studies nine years ago. In terms of my career, the studies brought me a lot of advantages and served as a great investment in my future. As my work is closely related to management, I frequently apply the information I obtained to my work activities. Especially in finances. I believe that everything has become even better now, and studies at Vilnius University can be a great investment, as well as a springboard in pursuing career heights :)"


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