Vilnius University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) Research Fund was founded to promote research development within the faculty. The Research Fund may award funding to individual researchers and research groups in internal competition.
Specifically, funding is provided to finance such research activities as:
- Implementation of R&D activities and the acquisition of the necessary instruments: data collection (conducting surveys, experiments), data transcription and coding, purchasing data.
- Preparation and publication of scientific articles and monographs: English language editing, journal pre- or post- acceptance fees.
- Dissemination of research results at scientific events: conference fees, travel and accommodation expenditures, per diem allowances.
- Development of individual scientific competences of researchers;
- Organisation of scientific events;
- Individual and institutional memberships of researchers in scientific organisations or associations.
- Bonus for high-level scientific achievements.
The maximum amount of the Fund's resources (except bonuses for high level scientific achievements) per applicant per calendar year is 3 000 EUR.
Submit your application here (only for staff members)
The Fund is governed by a steering committee chaired by the vice-dean of the FEBA. The Committee is assigned to assess applications, make decisions regarding funding allocation, and monitor the outcome of allowances.
The steering committee:
Dr. Ignas Zimaitis (chairperson)
Dr. Karina Adomavičiūtė
Dr. Andrius Kažukauskas