Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business

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In September 2023, from the 27th to the 29th, the 16th "EuroMed Business Academy" conference on " Business Transformation in Unstable Environments" took place at the Vilnius University Library Scientific Communication and Information Center, organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Vilnius University. The conference hosted over 200 scholars from 32 countries who presented research on business transformations occurring or evolving in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and conflicts. During the three intense conference days, participants listened to inspiring presentations, engaged in valuable scholarly discussions, and had the opportunity to forge meaningful partnerships for the future. We thank all the participants and distinguished speakers who shared their relevant research. We believe that the experience gained at the conference will lead to professional collaborations and high-quality future research worldwide!

Conference goals:

  • Publication opportunities in highly ranked and indexed journals in Web of Science and Scopus
  • ISBN Conference Book of Proceedings including an ISSN for the book series. Book of Proceeding has always been approved for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index of Clarivate Analytics an integrated index within Web of Science
  • Book series with major publishers such as Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (Scopus Indexed) and Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature (Scopus Indexed)
  • Authors’ Networking and Collaboration Workshop
  • Research Project and Publication Workshops
  • Meet the Editors and Meet the Reviewers Sessions
  • Special Conference Activities and Awards
  • Special Issue Paper Development Workshops

Programme Tracks:

Konferencijos temos 1 


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