We would like to invite you to the conference "Transformation of Science and Business in New Economic Reality", which will take a place on November 25-26, 2021.

The conference will feature a presentation delivered by PhD Ramona Rupeika - Apoga, 

Professor of Finance

Ramona Rupeika-Apoga is a Professor of Finance at the University of Latvia and the Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting. She has led and participated in several studies and research projects internationally and locally. She has more than 15 years of pedagogic experience in Latvian and European higher education institutions with specialization in Risk management, International Finance, FinTech, and Digital transformation of SMEs. More information


Džiaugiamės galėdami jus pakviesti į pirmąjį Verslo katedros Global Value Chains and International Operations tyrimų seminarą. Jį skaitys Tartu universiteto docentė Tiia Vissak. Seminaras vyks nuotoliniu būdu per MS Teams.

Data ir laikas: spalio 28 d., 14:30 - 15:30 val.

Seminaro tema: “A Reviewer’s Perspective: Which Mistakes Do Authors Often Make in Qualitative International Business Research?”


The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) and Vilnius university (VU) invites startup teams and those with innovative ideas to register for the fourth cohort of the “TechHub” pre-accelerator. During the program selected startups will participate in a three-month training course, in which they will develop their ideas, meet investors and business angels, gain business development knowledge, find new team members and receive services worth 25,000 Eur. The application process will end in September 26th.