Registration is open! At VU FEBA fifteen live and remote lectures - on 24-28 October, we invite you to try out the VU student chair at the traditional Student for a Day event.


Five Lithuanian students were given the opportunity to study at the Academy of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), do an internship in this organization and participate in the mentoring program. The Minister of Economy and Innovation, A. Armonaitė, presented the diplomas, which provide a unique opportunity to deepen knowledge at WTO.

The minister presented the award to Rasuolė Andrulienė, PhD student of Tourism Management at VU FEBA. "I am glad to have been given the opportunity to do an internship at the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Sharing the knowledge and experience of world-class tourism experts and professionals, participating in WTO Academy trainings and mentoring programs, will deepen my knowledge in the field of tourism and contribute to my further research activities at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration," says the VU FEBA doctoral student.


We congratulate Audrius Masiulevičius on defending his thesis “Qualitative Characteristics of the Misstatements Identified by the Auditor in the Financial Statements, Limiting the Classification of These Misstatements as Clearly Trivial” for the degree of Doctor of Management.

VU EVAF was visited by the Vice Minister of Education Policy of Taiwan, dr. Mon-Chi Lio together with a delegation of Taiwanese universities.

The relevance of digital finance, blockchain technologies and crypto-currencies in scientific research was discussed during the meeting. In meeting was also discussed, connections of the latest technologies with social sciences - economics and management, which are the essential basis of such cooperation.

We are announcing registration for a new hackathon! This time, we will invite the participants to look for new solutions related to education and urban planning. During the hackathon, you will have the opportunity to create devices, applications and systems for: