If you’re interested in B2B SaaS sales or SaaS in general, then you may want to hear what we have to say. 

On the 30th of August, 2021, one of the fastest-growing B2B SaaS startups in Baltics, Whatagraph, will be visiting Vilnius University, and are excited to meet you.

The event will consist of two parts. Firstly, there will be a lecture “The evolution of B2B SaaS, and why it will eat the world for breakfast, lunch, and dinner”, given by former Googler, and current Whatagraph VP of Client Partnerships, Frank Sondors.

Following the lecture, all those interested will have a chance to apply, and try out for a position in Whatagraph’s very own sales team. If you are interested in finding a full-time job or just curious about the processes, please register for the lecture + workshop. For those who perform well in the tryouts, offers will be given on the spot at the end of the event. So don’t miss your chance to join the top 1% sales talent in Lithuania.

It is entirely possible to attend in either one of the parts, separate registration forms are available for both. The event begins at 09:00. The tryouts for Whatagraph begin at 10:50. 

We anticipate finishing by 17:30. There will also be free pizza & drinks. P.S. The whole event is going to be held in English.


9:00 - The start of the event + attendees registration
9:30 - Entry word by Director of Client Partnerships @ Whatagraph - Augustas A.
9:40 - Lecture - "Evolution of B2B SaaS and why it will eat the World for breakfast, lunch and dinner", delivered by a former Googler and current VP @ Whatagraph - Frank Sondors.

10:40 - Break
10:50 - Workshop stage 1 - Personality (elevator pitch about yourself 2-3mins per person)
12:30 - Lunch
13:30 - Workshop stage 2 - Sales (1 person x 2 pitches on Whatagraph x 5 min per pitch)
15:30 - Participant evaluation + coffee break for attendees
16:00 - Workshop stage 3 - (short 10-15min final stage interviews)
17:30 - End of the event (winners will be able to sign pre-contracts and have the ability to work in the fastest-growing company in Vilnius)

Registration forms:

Lecture onlyhttps://forms.gle/k3hckRQ7oGSgE1cK8

Lecture + Workshophttps://forms.gle/KqkkavV7T1989LN39

Registration is a MUST!


Event place: Saulėtekio al. 5, Vilnius 10222, MKIC Biblioteka

Event time: August 30th, 2021 09:00 - 17:30