This year, VU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration is celebrating its 80th anniversary!

It is a big celebration for an organization whose core value is a person: an employee, a professor, a student, a graduate, a business partner, an alumni, and everyone else.

We sincerely congratulations and share a short history of the faculty:

Vilnius University was established in 1579 - more than 440 years ago. The beginning of teaching economics disciplines at Vilnius University is related to the establishment of the University, and J. Stroinovskis (1752-1815) – the first lecturer of the natural law course. VU Statute of 1803 projected new economics disciplines dedicated to the treasury, trade, statistics. In the same period, the first department of The Political Economy was established.

The Faculty of Economics Sciences was established on the 1st of September, 1940, when the government of Lithuania, occupied by the Soviet Union at the time, decided to found the Faculty of Economics Sciences by dividing the Faculty of Law into two: Faculties of Law, and Economics Sciences. The newly established Faculty of Economics Sciences, led by the Dean A. Rimka, had seven departments: Marxism-Leninism, Political Economy, Finance and Credit, Statistics and Financial Mathematics, Economic and Social Policy, Corporate Economics and Accountability, Cooperation.

During WWII, in 1943, Vilnius University was closed down. In autumn of 1944, the University was restored, and prof. Jonas Bučas was assigned the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Sciences. Later, he became the Rector of VU.

After the restoration of independence of Lithuania, Vilnius University had three related faculties: Faculty of Commerce (Dean assoc. prof. B. Čereška), Faculty of Production Economics and Management (Dean assoc. prof. V. Grigoras), Faculty of Economics Cybernetics and Finances (prof. dr. J. Mackevičius). In 1991, according to the new Statute, the former economics faculties were merged into one Faculty of Economics. Since 1991, the Faculty was led by Deans prof. S. Martišius, prof. B. Galinienė and prof. J. Martinavičius.

Three years ago, the faculty changed its name to the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration to emphasize the significance of two core activity areas – economics and business management.


We wish you success in science, career, personal life and wherever you may need it. From here we rise to the stars!


VU FEBA administration