The Bank of Lithuania awarded the three most advanced students of the VU FEBA Quantitative Economics study program with Bank of Lithuania scholarships.

Congratulations to Ignė Elena Maniušytė, Sofija Volungevičiūtė and Urtė Kalinauskaitė. The laureates were congratulated at the festive ceremony by Gediminas Šimkus, Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania, members of the scholarship awarding committee of the Quantitative Economics study program, and a team of teachers. Later, the educational program Money Museum awaited all the guests of the ceremony.

The Bank of Lithuania awards scholarships to students of Vilnius University's Quantitative Economics study program twice a year - until October 15 of the current year and until February 15 of the current year, if the student continues his studies without debts. The Quantitative Economics study program was established by the Bank of Lithuania and Vilnius University in 2018. This is the only three-year economics bachelor's program in English in Lithuania. It is unique in that it combines finance, economics and data science, using the latest teaching tools.