On December 15, the VU FEBA community met with Oleg Šurajev and VU FEBA vice Dean of Science dr. Ignas Zimaitis. During the meeting, speakers talked about the “1K Support Fund” activities, challenges in providing support to Ukraine, cooperation with Ukrainian soldiers and what Ukrainians need most now.

During the meeting, the presenters surprised the participants with a remote call with the Ukrainian soldier Roman. The soldier talked about the difficulties at the front and highlighted the contrast between life in Ukraine before the war and during the war. He was happy with the significant support of Lithuania not only in providing the necessary means for the soldiers, but also especially thanked for the fact that many women and children from Ukraine found a safe haven in Lithuania. The speaker, Ignas Zimaitis, emphasized that the financial support given to the fund by the people of Lithuania usually becomes the means that give the Ukrainian soldiers a real advantage in the fight against the occupying forces. All tools are very important: modern optics, backup power supply systems or communication tools, thanks to that, soldiers can significantly shorten the decision-making time.

"1K Support Fund" was established on the initiative of Oleg Šurajev and is currently nominated in the LRT annual awards nomination "Citizen Initiative of the Year" and "State Creator of the Year". We are proud that the volunteer team of this fund includes VU FEBA vice Dean of Science dr. Ignas Zimaitis. In addition, we are glad that even though we are living in the hustle and bustle of the festive season, the VU FEBA community does not forget Ukraine and continues to try to help Ukrainians.


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