On February 2, the graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University, who completed their academic journey last semester, were awarded their diplomas at a ceremony at St. Jonų church.

The graduation ceremony for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Global Marketing (Lithuanian and English) took place at 12 noon. The participants were greeted by the Vice-Rector of Vilnius University Vilmantė Pakalniškienė, Dean of the Faculty Aida Mačerinskienė, social partner from Euromonitor International Dr. Robertas Ivanauskas, Head of the Global Marketing programme Prof. Dr. Vytautas Dikčius. Farewell and congratulatory speeches were also given by the student representatives, graduates of the programme Naomi Koc and Esther Imelda Bonilla Benitez.

As the Dean of the Faculty, Aida Mačerinskienė, said in her welcome speech, "Today you are celebrating your personal victory, which for some of you is the last acedmic achievement, for some of you is a career opportunity, and for some of you is simply a personal victory. But the most important thing is that the diploma illustrates your knowledge, your experience and your maturity! So don't underestimate this victory and be proud to be a VU EVAF graduate."

2 pm. Doctoral diplomas were awarded to PhDs doctors of Management and Economics and the graduates of Economic Analytics, Finance and Banking, Marketing and Integrated Communication, Strategic Management of Information Systems, Business Process Management, Human Resource Management Master study programmes.

I will never know how much effort it took for you to get these diplomas, but I know that its value is only as high as you give it. The diploma you are about to hold in your hands will allow you to find great jobs, it will make you feel like a great leader, it will double or triple your self-esteem, it will make you happier! - The Dean of the Faculty expressed her wishes and congratulations to the graduates, who also thanked all the relatives and friends who helped them on their journey.

The graduates and guests of the ceremony were also greeted by the Rector of Vilnius University Rimvydas Petrauskas, Faculty's social partner Andrius Jurelė (partner at EY Lithuania), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance Dr. G. Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė and representatives of the graduates: the graduate of the Human Resource Management Programme Kristina Kovrikova, the graduate of the Finance and Banking Programme Gustavo Adolfo Mota Salinas.

On a sunny Friday, a total of 77 Bachelor's degree students in Global Marketing (graduating in Lithuanian and English) and 98 Master's degree students received their diplomas at the ceremony. The Faculty always welcomes new and returning former students, invites them to continue to deepen their competences and gain experience in advanced studies, to join the community of academics and lecturers, to further develop joint research, partnerships and cooperation, and to raise the level of economic and financial culture in Lithuania.

There are many ways to achieve personal and professional growth, and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University welcomes all those who seek a qualitative leap in their career in the fields of economics, finance, accounting, management, marketing, politics, business and human resource management.