We would like to invite you to the conference "Transformation of Science and Business in New Economic Reality", which will take a place on November 25 - 26, 2021. The conference will feature a presentation delivered by Kristina Jakštonytė, Head of Innovation and Methodology Department in the National Audit Office of Lithuania.

Kristina has a master‘s degree in the field of Accounting and Audit, which she obtained in Vilnius University. She has been working in the National Audit Office since 2001 on various positions - starting as a financial auditor and becoming methodologist in the same field, then turning attention to strategic planning and monitoring and later on leading one of the performance audit departments. Currently Kristina is a head of newly established Innovation and Methodology Department.

Presentation: „Assessment of audit impact – qualitatively new approach to assess the benefits state audit brings to public“.

Presentation will cover System of monitoring of implementation of state audit recommendations with the main focus on newly introduced Assessment of audit impact. We, as a Supreme Audit Institution, believe, that it is no longer enough to only assess whether our recommendations have been implemented. We want to know, based on data, whether our audits have had positive impact on the public sector and, where possible, what is the size of this impact.

Starting mid of 2020, we have introduced new element in our audit report’s – indicators, upon which we will be measuring changes, caused by implementing our recommendations. Those indicators are discussed and agreed with auditees. Based on this new information, National Audit Office of Lithuania is striving to have a clear map of changes in the public sector, caused by our work, as well as to be able to assess state audit’s financial impact.

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