Bank of Lithuania and Vilnius University welcomes participants of the 25th International Panel Data Conference (IPDC 2019). The conference aims at bring together economists, econometricians, statisticians and social scientists using panel data for their applied and/or theoretical research.

Are you interested in project management? Do you want to learn about it or maybe have a career in this field?

Today, the term „Project“ is an activity that has a defined goal, a result that has to be achieved, it is defined in time and resources. In the near future probably everybody will have to work in a team, where the „Project“ will be implemented. Thus, why not start to preparing for it earlier?

Do you like traveling? Discovering new cultures? Meeting new friends? Or having opportunity to gain new knowledge and experience in other universities?

Then we have an offer for you – take part in a study exchange programme! ERASMUS study exchange program!

Do you like traveling? Discovering new cultures? Meeting new friends? Or having opportunity to gain new knowledge and experience in other universities?

Then we have an offer for you – take part in a study exchange programme!

Central European University is pleased to announce the eighth annual European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities.
Students, Alumni, Faculty Colleagues, and Institutional Leaders are invited to submit a brief Recommendation Form. Please consider recommending your best professor or a colleague whose teaching you believe is outstanding.
Recommendations must be submitted using the online Recommendation Form .

Deadline to submit a Recommendation Form: November 18, 2018.

The Diener Prize of 5,000 euros, which accompanies the award, is made possible by a generous gift.

More about competition read here