We invite you to the graduation ceremony on the 21st of June 2022 at the Church of St. Johns!

9 a.m. diplomas will be awarded to the graduates of the Bachelor study programmes in Economics (full-time studies) and Quantitative Economics.

12 p.m. diplomas will be awarded to the graduates of the Bachelor study programmes in Management (full-time studies in Lithuanian, English), Business and Law, and Business Information Systems (in Lithuanian, English).

2 p.m. diplomas will be awarded to the graduates of Bachelor study programmes in Economics (session and post-college studies), Management (session and post-college studies); and to the graduates of the Master degree programmes in Accounting and Financial Management, Global Business and Economics, Quality Management, State Economic Policy, Business Process Management, and Business Development.


Signing in the diploma registration journal will take place on the 20th of June 2022 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (4th floor, room 403). If you have not cleared your obligations with the VU divisions or have not signed in the diploma registration journal, you will not be awarded your diploma during the graduation ceremony.

Graduates must clear their obligations with all VU divisions before signing into the diploma registration journal. If you have not used the services of any VU divisions, you do not need to contact them. Information about obligations and your status can be found on your e-student account in the section “Studies”.