We are happy to invite you to in this highly relevant conference „Inflation, Wages and Their Impact on Competitiveness in Lithuania“, organized by the Bank of Lithuania (BoL) and hosted by Vilnius University (VU). During the conference researchers from the Bank of Lithuania International Monetary Fund (IMF) team, will present papers on inflation in Lithuania, its causes and consequences.

The event will also be attended by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania Gintarė Skaistė, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania Gediminas Šimkus and the Head of the IMF mission Borja Gracia.

10.30-11.30 they will participate in a panel discussion, that will be moderated by Dr Aurelija Proškutė, researcher of VU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Bank of Lithuania.

The conference will take place live and is open to all who are interested. We invite you to participate!

• Time: 7 June, 9:30-16:30
• Venue: VU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, TechHub Conference Room (2nd floor). Saulėtekio al. 9, building II, 2nd floor
• Event language: English

Programme of the Conference: https://rb.gy/l2nn2