We are happy to invite you to the research seminar by the Center for Economic Expertise. On February 29th Elzė Marija Uždavinytė will present the topic „It's the smallness that counts: Consumer preferences for small versus large companies' products” in 417 room and MS Teams.

Brief overview of the seminar

Previous research has repeatedly suggested that small (vs. large) companies have a higher appeal to consumers, yet the underlying mechanisms explaining why such an effect occurs remain understudied. Through four experiments, we show that company size cues affect consumer preferences; products originating from small companies are perceived to be healthier than those from large companies, with a downstream positive effect on willingness to buy. Specifically, small (vs. large) company size cues increase the perception of product safety, in turn increasing the perception of product healthiness. This effect is more pronounced for individuals who are more sensitive to safety signals, scoring high on sensitivity to pathogen disgust. Our findings provide managerially relevant insights and show that additional safety‐related signals have the potential to counteract this seemingly inherent disadvantage for large companies.

Information on the seminar

  • Time: February 29, 14:00-15:00
  • Venue: 417 room and MS Teams Click here
  • Presenter: Elzė Marija Uždavinytė, Junior Research Fellow.
  • Topic: „It's the smallness that counts: Consumer preferences for small versus large companies' products”
  • Working language: English

The seminar is open to all - students, teachers, researchers. We invite you to learn more!