IMPORTANT: If you have not clear you obligations with the VU divisions and Students’ Representation Office or have not signed in the diploma registration journal, you will not be awarded your diploma during the graduation ceremony.

Signing in the diploma registration journal will take place on the 22nd of June from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (1st floor, room 106).

  • Graduates must clear their obligations with all VU divisions before signing in the diploma registration journal. If you have not used services of any VU divisions, you do not need to contact them. Information about obligations and your status can be found on your e-student account in the section “Studies”.
  • If you have not returned your Lithuanian Student Identity Card to Students’ Representation Office, bring it with you to the signing in the diploma registration journal.
  • Please use only the main entrance of the Faculty when arriving on the 22nd of June. There is a room prepared for the signing on the first floor where you will be met by a study coordinator. Please enter the room alone and wear a mask covering your nose and mouth.
  • For those who will not be able to sign in the diploma registration journal on the 22nd of June: on the 23rd of June BEFORE the graduation ceremony you will have an opportunity to sign in the journal. A study coordinator will be waiting in the main courtyard of VU, near the entrance from St. John’s street.

Schedule of signing in the diploma registration journal on the 23rd of June:

8.00-8.50 a.m. graduates of Bachelor study programme Economics;

11.00-11.50 a.m. graduates of Bachelor study programmes Economics (modular studies), Management and Business Administration (Lithuanian, English, modular groups), Management Information Systems, Business and Law.

2.00-2.50 p.m. graduates of Bachelor study programmes Economics (complementary studies), Management and Business Administration (complementary studies), graduates of all Master study programmes.


This order has been set for ensuring the safety of the graduates, guests and administration

The graduation ceremony will take place on the 23rd of June at the main courtyard of VU (Universiteto str. 3), the moving of pedestrians will be regulated and one-way only. The entrance to the ceremony is ONLY through the gates from St. John’s street, the exit is only through the Sarbievijus yard.

Schedule of diploma award:

9.00 a.m. graduates of Bachelor study programme Economics;

12.00 p.m. graduates of Bachelor study programmes Economics (modular studies), Management and Business Administration (Lithuanian, English, modular groups), Management Information Systems, Business and Law;

3.00 p.m. graduates of Bachelor study programmes Economics (complementary studies), Management and Business Administration (complementary studies), graduates of all Master study programmes.


  • Graduates and their guests will be allowed to enter the main courtyard no earlier than one hour before the beginning of the graduation ceremony.
  • First rows of chairs are only for the graduates. The guests are invited to sit down on the last rows of chairs or stand in the back of the courtyard.
  • We ask graduates to go back to their seats after receiving a diploma because after the graduation ceremony a photo will be take from above. Relatives and friends are allowed to congratulate only after the official ceremony is over.
  • After the graduation ceremony, everyone will have an opportunity to take a picture in front of the Faculty’s representative wall in the Sarbievijus yard.
  • We ask our graduates and guests to have umbrellas in case of rain or hot sun because there will be no marquee in the main courtyard.
  • We kindly ask you to follow the order and during the ceremony take into consideration the requests made by VU volunteers or our administration employees.