“For us, the CEEMAN accreditation is evidence of the successful and high-quality teamwork. We are proud of this membership and sincerely hope that cooperation with CEEMAN partners, seminars, and conferences will enrich our activities and open new opportunities. We are honored and committed to being among CEEMAN partners, although it took a while to accomplish.

CEEMAN accreditation proves that Faculty’s activities conform to the requirements for educational institutions management. Today, the Faculty brings together the best researchers in Economics and Management, who solve contemporary economic issues in the face of new challenges, analyze the shift in corporate and governmental sector management, explore the changing consumer behavior. It is particularly worth emphasizing that our Faculty welcomes an increasing number of ideas-driven business representatives who deliver lectures and share their professional experience. The quality of studies is one of our primary objectives, and this accreditation confirms that we are certified professionals in the study area.” – says the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University, prof. dr. Aida Mačerinskienė.

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The Dean of the VU FEBA prof. dr. Aida Mačerinskienė.

Vilnius University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (VU FEBA) marks over 80 years. Long history, business links, renowned alumni, and strong community manifest the Faculty’s sustainable and thriving performance. FEBA is a leading public higher education unit in Economics and Management research in Lithuania. The Faculty offers bachelor, master, and doctoral study programmes. A significant proportion of study programmes are available in the English language of instruction; hence, Faculty attracts large numbers of international students. Besides, plenty of international academic staff teaches at Faculty’s study programmes. Lectures are delivered in face-to-face or remote format. Therefore, FEBA is undoubtedly significant in the process of building and strengthening Lithuanian society.

In 2021, Lithuanian employers rated FEBA graduates as the best, thus emphasizing the excellent links with business partners and the international business community. Faculty graduates easily find their place in the labor market and develop individual career paths. Brilliant results are accomplished as the cooperation is established among the long-term strategic goals of the Faculty.

The third strategic direction of FEBA is sustainability: the link between responsible consumption, a thriving economy, and an environmentally-friendly mindset. All internal processes, research, and business projects are linked to the sustainable approach. Faculty‘s activities are based on sustainable finances and an environmentally-friendly faculty image. This direction is relevant to every member of society.

CEEMAN membership is a remarkable indicator of excellence in organizational management.

More information about the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  – https://www.evaf.vu.lt/en/