During the previous two years, the ERASMUS+ project DEDALUS consortium (https://dedalus.pa.itd.cnr.it/en/) was working on the development of data literacy courses for the University students.  

More than 150 students took part in the training organized by VU EVAF in the spring and autumn of 2021, of which 33 students submitted their projects using the knowledge and skills acquired during the training and received international DEDALUS certificates.

The final conference will be organized by Novi Sad university (https://www.uns.ac.rs/index.php/en/) on 4th February 2022, from 10:00 – 14:15 in order to present the final results and share experience.

We invite everybody who is interested in project and in data literacy to register for the conference by January 31st. (will be held remotely) at: https://ppma.webex.com/ppma/j.php?RGID=rf7d274b5779fbed68ae83e87c1ba2dfa

You can get acquainted with the training materials prepared during the project and the lecture recordings of the lecturers here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3abaf39d5b892149a5b7548414f802d365%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=cf8cae72-4ca0-40fd-9c74-50464f2bbb44&tenantId=82c51a82-548d-43ca-bcf9-bf4b7eb1d012

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