2022 February 4 the final conference of the International Data Literacy (DEDALUS) project was held at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, during which the partners shared their experiences in the implementation of the project in their countries and future perspectives.

VU EVAF was represented by Ona Marija Vyšniauskaitė. Ona told how the project was implemented in Lithuania, and also presented data literacy Implementation strategy  for higher education institutions which was prepared by VU EVAF team. This document could be useful for other higher education institutions in the EU and abroad.

For the last two years, the ERAMUS + project DEDALUS (DEveloping DAta Literacy courses for University Students, Nr. 2019-1-IT02-KA203-063359)  consortium (https://dedalus.pa.itd.cnr.it/en/) has been working to develop data literacy training courses for university students.

Over 250 students participated in the trainings organized by VU EVAF in the spring and the autumn of 2021. 33 students submitted their projects using the knowledge and skills acquired during these trainings and received the international DEDALUS certificates.

You can get acquainted with the training material prepared during the project and the lectures recordings of the lecturers here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3abaf39d5b892149a5b7548414f802d365%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=cf8cae72-4ca0-40fd-9c74-50464f2bbb44&tenantId=82c51a82-548d-43ca-bcf9-bf4b7eb1d012  Teams code: 41ftopy

VU EVAF DEDALUS project is implemented at the faculty by assoc. prof. dr. Laimutė Urbšienė, lect. Ona Marija Vyšniauskaitė and Daiva Mažeikaitė.