We are excited to announce another incentive for VU EVAF students! VU EVAF lecturer, CEO of UAB "Voltronas LT" and energy economics researcher Tomas Karpavičius aims to encourage students of our faculty who are working on bachelor's and master's theses to focus more on energy and energy economics topics. Tomas Karpavičius has established a named EUR 500 scholarship for students writing bachelor's and master's theses.
Who can participate?
The scholarship is open to VU Faculty of Economics and Business Administration students working on bachelor's and master's theses on energy topics. Each year, two scholarships of EUR 500 each will be awarded as an incentive to students who have completed their bachelor's and master's theses.
How to apply?
Candidates must submit the following through the VUSIS system: 1.1. Application for the Scholarship; 1.2. Copy of the bachelor's and/or master's thesis;
The deadline for applications is June 1st.
Applications will be evaluated by an expert committee based on the following criteria:
1.1. Originality of the work (30%);
1.2. Relevance and significance of the work (40%);
1.3. Quality of the work (30%).
We invite you to participate in the scholarship competition and ecpress our gratitude to Tomas Karpavičius for his initiative and encouragement to students!