Vilnius University hosted a solemn Christmas evening. During the event, the works of 2022 were recalled, members of the University's academiccommunity who have distinguished themselves this year were honored, and wishes were made for the coming New Year. The Rector's award was presented to two members of the VU FEBA community: dr. Justina Gineikienei and prof. dr. Greta Drūteikienė.

Justina Gineikienė is awarded the VU Rector's Prize for the most significant scientific achievements in 2022. In 2022, Dr. Gineikienė produced three high-level publications in journals listed in the ABS Academic Journal Guide 2021 list of top-tier peer-reviewed journals. One of these publications is published in the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IF 8.047, AJG - 4), which is among the top 4 journals in the world in the field of marketing and management science. Justina Gineikienė became the first Lithuanian researcher to publish a paper in this scientific journal!

Prof. dr. Greta Drūteikienė is elected the best lecturer of the year 2022 of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and is awarded the VU Rector's prize. G. Drūteikienė was evaluated for the application of innovative teaching and assessment methods in the study process, the ability to create an environment conducive to students' independent development, providing feedback to students during the semester, and being active in the organization of studies.