Dear FEBA students,

It is still very difficult to predict the situation for the autumn semester. We understand that you are all missing contact studies with your fellow students. Your lecturers are also missing live contact work with students. The only way to return to the previous study order is to get vaccinated, thus protecting everyone around you and, most importantly, yourself. Therefore, we invite everyone to get vaccinated and believe that we will meet at the faculty already in September!


From September 1st, we plan to work in auditoriums only with students and teachers who have the National Certificate (vaccinated/have recovered from the illness or have a negative COVID19 test result, which will have to be obtained individually) and based on this, we plan to organize studies as follows:

  • Retakes will be carried out remotely, from September 2nd, 2021 until September 16th, 2021.
  • The daily timetable for the autumn semester (which will be further applied if successfully implemented in the autumn semester 2021/2022): 09:00 – 10:30, 10:45 – 12:15, 12:30 – 14:00, 14:15 – 15:45, 16:00 – 17:30, 17:45 – 19:15, 19:30 – 21:00.
  • Core lectures for bachelor’s students are planned to be delivered in the remote or hybrid format (where part of the students are in the auditorium and part of them are attend the lecture remotely).
  • Seminars for bachelor’s students, especially for 1st and 2nd-year students, are planned to be delivered in the contact format; seminars for 3rd and 4th-year students are planned to be delivered in the remote or hybrid format (the possibility of distance learning will be provided only to students who do not have a National Certificate for justified reasons and to foreign students who could not come to Lithuania due to justified reasons).
  • Additional studies, session and post-college studies are to be carried out in the remote format.
  • Lectures and seminars for master’s students are planned to be delivered upon the agreement between Study Programme Committee Chair and lecturers. Courses are planned to be delivered in the contact, hybrid, or remote formats as agreed with the SPC Chair and indicated in the timetable.
  • To ensure academic fairness, we recommend conducting examinations, especially for bachelor’s students, in contact format in classrooms or the examination center. Examinations for other cycles can be conducted in contact format at classrooms or the examination center.
  • Examinations for courses taught in the remote format only are planned to be carried out in the remote format in written form using the VU VMA, written and oral form, or oral form (using MS Teams, with the recording).
  • PhD study activities will be organized in the contact format only.


More about National Certificate:


Best wishes!


Aida Macerinskiene

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration