The inaugural Baltic Economic Association conference took place in Vilnius on June 11-12, bringing together more than 60 researchers not only from the Baltics but also from all over Europe and the United States.

During this event, the statutes of the Baltic Economic Association were signed by members of research and higher education institutions from the three Baltic countries. Vilnius University is one of the founding institutions of the Baltic Economic Association. Vilnius University was represented by vice-dean Linas Tarasonis and research fellow Povilas Lastauskas.

The Baltic Economic Association will foster the development and application of economics as a science in the Baltic States and will promote and reinforce cooperation among economists from the region.

An annual conference will be organized which will rotate every year within the three countries.

Initiative group of the association:

Lithuania – Bank of Lithuania, Vilnius University, Kaunas University of Technology, ISM University of Business and Management

Latvia – Bank of Latvia, SSE Riga, University of Latvia

Estonia – Bank of Estonia, University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Business School, Estonian University of Life Sciences