With all the world expressing solidarity with Ukraine, project “TechHub“ at the Agency for Science, innovation and Technology (MITA) together with “Vilnius university TechHub” “ChangeMakersON“ and “StartupBrand DNR“ invites teams, individuals and mentors to join the „TechHub Hack for Ukraine“ held on March 18-20th online. The registration to the event ends on Thursday morning.

“In the face of this ruthless war, tools need to be developed as soon as possible to help Ukraine and its people. So the goal of the hackaton is to find real solutions in three days, even small ones, that can make a real contribution to solving various problems related to the consequences of the war. During the event, the teams will be able to consult and present the developed tools to the representatives of various organizations that help the people of Ukraine,” says Gediminas Rumšas, “TechHub” pre-accelerator manager.

The teams are invited to develop their ideas in two main topics. First of all – information and communication war. The teams will look for solutions that combat fake news in global and local media, removes fake news sites in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and tools to spread news about the situation in all of those countries.

Another topic – administrative tools and humanitarian aid. The teams will look for solutions to administer refugee information packages, create apps to connect refugees with housing, food and other necessities, gain access to psychological help, receive information about integration and employment opportunities, gain matchmaking support and facilitate cross-organizational sharing of information and other recourses.

Other ideas related to helping Ukraine are also welcome. The organizers also invite to look for the solutions from broader perspective and to apply the projects that need some extra manpower to make them work, solutions that could be adapted to Ukrainian needs and initiatives that could be integrated with existing ones.

“A team of experienced mentors will help the teams participating in the event to turn their ideas into at least minimally viable products, that can start being used immediately or with a little bit of additional work. Therefore, we also invite experts from various fields to fill in a separate registration form if they would like to volunteer to help the teams develop those solutions by providing advise and support,” says G. Rumšas.

Registration is open until Thursday (March 17) 9AM. The hackathon will start on March 18th 4PM and continue until March 20th. At the end of the event all teams will present what they created during the weekend. The information to the registered teams and mentors will be sent individually on Thursday.

Registration form for teams and individuals

Registration for mentors

More about the Hack for Ukraine and Facebook event

TechHub is a project implemented by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) to help develop early-stage innovative business ideas, encourage intensive start-up growth and sustainable development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The aim of the project is to encourage researchers, scientists, students and businesses to develop innovative ideas, provide their teams with support and opportunities for intensive growth. We invite you to follow all project related news on sekti Facebook and LinkedIn  as well as  https://mita.lrv.lt/lt/veiklos-sritys/mita-vykdomi-projektai/techhub.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. No: 01.2.1-LVPA-V-842 “Inogeb LT” 

Contact us:
Project Manager Gintar
ė Narakienė, +370 610 39339,
Communications Specialist Milda Vilčinskaitė, +370 679 90633,