VU invites to participate in intro days and events at #Studentauk 2022, where fun activities, discussions and meaningful meetings await university freshmen, allowing them to learn everything about studies and life at the university.
On 31 August (13:00-22:00) we will enter the academic year for the third time accompanied by the Ad astra festival organised by the Vilnius University Students' Representation (VU SA). This year, the participants of the introductory days are invited to listen to the discussions, which will touch not only on everyday topics, but also those that we typically forget to talk about.
At the VU Contact Fair, you will have the opportunity to get to know VU's student organisations, leisure and sports clubs, and participate in various workshops throughout the festival. VU SA integration festival Ad astra will take place in VU Great, M. K. Sarbievijus, Mikalojus Daukša, Observatorija and Adomas Mickevičius courtyards (Universiteto st. 3, Vilnius).
In order to participate in the VU SA integration festival Ad astra and other VU integration events, registration is required:
On 1 September, at 9:30, we will start the new academic year with a traditional flag-raising ceremony in the courtyard of the VU Library (Universiteto st. 3), after getting acquainted with the faculty premises and from 15:00 everyone is invited to participate in the traditional procession of the VU community along Gediminas Avenue from the Seimas Palace to the Great Courtyard of the VU, where the greetings of the VU managers and guests will be heard, the oath of freshmen will be announced and the start of the new academic year will officially begin.
On 2-9 September, freshmen will have the opportunity to participate in events dedicated to particularly important topics – Studies, Information, Emotional Well-Being, Self-Expression, History of Alma Mater. These events are organised by VU Library, Students Affairs and Career Office, VU Culture Centre, VU Health and Sports Centre, VU Volunteer Centre, Psychological Counseling and Training Centre, VU Museum.
Freshmen are invited to get acquainted with the services offered by VU virtually – to view special videos published in the video guide intended for freshmen. They provide the most important information about various VU departments, explain how to find psychological help at VU, where to apply if you have a disability or wish to volunteer at VU and beyond.