We are happy to invite you to the research seminar by the Department of Economic Policy. On May 23rd Giedrė Dzemydaitė will present the topic „Production Efficiency of Start-Ups, Fast-Growing Medium-Sized Firms and Large R&D Corporate Performers in Advanced Technology Sectors: a Regional Perspective“ in TechHub Conference room (40) and MS Teams.
Brief overview of the seminar
This study aims to evaluate the production efficiency of start-ups, fast-growing medium-sized firms and large research and development (R&D) corporate performers in advanced technology sectors and to shed light on regional factors reducing their inefficiency (a gap from the production possibility frontier). We assess regional (EU NUTS2), sectoral (NACE 2 digits) and firm-size implications by applying stochastic frontier analysis of 2009–2016 micro-level data. Our findings suggest that firms’ fixed assets are the main drivers of production efficiency in all technology-based innovating firms. As a result, direct investments in these firms significantly shift the production possibility frontier of advanced technology sectors throughout European regions. Among region conditions, we included an indicator of the local knowledge base evaluated using the relatedness density measure on a sector-by-sector basis. This helped us evaluate the impact of combinatorial knowledge on the performance of firms. Our research reveals that regional conditions are particularly important for the performance of fast-growing medium-sized firms. The impact of agglomeration economies (MAR and Jacobs externalities), as well as the local knowledge base, varies across economic sectors, suggesting that diverse regional structures may benefit firms’ performance. Finally, results showed that large R&D corporate performer’s production efficiency is not significantly linked to the local knowledge base due to a considerable part of inventories developed outside the region in which the company is located.
Information on the seminar
- Time: May 23, 14:00-15:00
- Venue: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University, Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius, TechHub room 40 and MS Teams Click here
- Presenter: dr. Giedrė Dzemydaitė, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Policy
- Topic: „Production Efficiency of Start-Ups, Fast-Growing Medium-Sized Firms and Large R&D Corporate Performers in Advanced Technology Sectors: a Regional Perspective“
- Working language: English
The seminar is open to all - students, teachers, researchers. We invite you to learn more!