We are happy to invite you to the research seminar by the Center for Economic Expertise. On March 7th Yannick Joye will present the topic „Choice experiments into the reward value of viewing (natural) environments“ in 417 room and MS Teams.


Brief overview of the seminar

Engaging with natural environments is often considered an aesthetically rewarding experience, with nature’s aesthetic reward value playing a key role in the psychological wellbeing effects associated with nature contact. However, for most people, interacting with nature is just one among the many rewarding activities they pursue, alongside other activities like listening to music, enjoying food, meeting friends, or pursuing financial gains. This raises the question of how the reward value of experiencing nature measures up to the reward value of other rewarding activities or stimuli. In this research seminar, I will discuss the results of a series of online studies where participants were asked to choose between (a) working on a slider task in exchange for money and (b) engaging in the rewarding experience of watching a 30-second movie clip of beautiful nature. Depending on the completion of ongoing data collection, I will also present the results of a choice experiment testing if participants are willing to forego environmentally friendly behavior for the sake of experiencing natural beauty. 


Information on the seminar

  • Time: March 14, 14:00-15:00
  • Venue: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University, Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius, 417 room and MS Teams Click here
  • Presenter: Yannick Joye, Senior Research Fellow
  • Topic:Choice experiments into the reward value of viewing (natural) environments
  • Working language: English


The seminar is open to all - students, teachers, researchers. We invite you to learn more!