We are happy to invite you to the research seminar by the Department of Economic Policy which will take place onThursday, May 9th. During the seminar Agnė Laužadytė-Tutlienė will present the topic „A new approach to tackling income inequality in Lithuania“.


Brief overview of the seminar

In Lithuania, income inequality is a paramount social challenge, presenting higher rates than in other European nations. World Bank experts corroborate income disparity as a significant issue, with statistical data from Eurostat and Statistics Lithuania indicating that escalating inequality stems not from a swelling number of impoverished individuals but from an expanding cohort of high earners. This trend correlates with dynamics in the Lithuanian labour market, where over 50% of employers in 2021, as surveyed by the Employment Service, reported employee shortages. Concurrent high unemployment rates underscore the disconnect between available qualifications and market demands, indicating structural unemployment. The rise of remote work and technological advancements have globalised the talent pool, intensifying the 'superstars' effect, wherein employers vie for the top global talent, exacerbating wage disparities. This research applies a novel metric to assess income inequality in Lithuania and compares it with the other EU member states. The study concludes with a call to action for policy interventions to rectify opportunity imbalances in the labour market, a strategic move to mitigate income inequality.

  • Time: May 9, 14:00-15:00
  • Venue: Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vilnius University, Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius, TechHub room 40.
  • Presenter: dr. Agnė Laužadytė-Tutlienė, Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Policy
  • Topic:„A new approach to tackling income inequality in Lithuania“
  • Working language: English


The seminar is open to all - students, teachers, researchers. We invite you to learn more!