18th and 19th January 2021 – staff members from Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University joined the JEUL Virtual Event “University-Industry Links” hosted by Jiangnan University. The two-day event showcased the experience of universities from Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, UK, China and Vietnam on the opportunities and challenges of enterprise/university collaboration. 

On the second day of the event Assoc. prof. dr. L. Urbšienė from Vilnius University presented the cooperation channels between the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University and its business partners.

The JEUL project aims at bridging the world of education and the world of work by empowering teaching staff with tools to engage enterprises in curriculum development and joint-teaching as well as equipping the placement and career offices of universities to better engage enterprises for the transition of students in the labour market.

JEUL (Joint Enterprise University Learning) is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project which brings together nine partners from China, Vietnam, Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania and UK.

Learn more about JEUL and Vilnius University:



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