We invite you to register for an Erasmus exchange for the academic year 2024-2025 or for the autumn semester! Registration will be open until midnight on 29 February!

You can still find the list of Erasmus partners in our system HERE.


For ARQUS / Coimbra Group and bilateral exchanges, registration will be open from 13 to 29 February !

For information on the ARQUS / Coimbra Group, please click HERE.

For information on bilateral agreements, please click HERE.

An information seminar on distance exchanges will be held on:
- 15 February at 13.30 (in Lithuanian)
- 20 February at 13.30 (in English)


Follow the news on Facebook - VU International Relations (@VUTarptautiniaiRysiai).

For more information about exchange options, please visit this page.

If you have any questions, please contact the International Relations Department via email: