Five Lithuanian students were given the opportunity to study at the Academy of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), do an internship in this organization and participate in the mentoring program. The Minister of Economy and Innovation, A. Armonaitė, presented the diplomas, which provide a unique opportunity to deepen knowledge at WTO.

The minister presented the award to Rasuolė Andrulienė, PhD student of Tourism Management at VU FEBA. "I am glad to have been given the opportunity to do an internship at the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Sharing the knowledge and experience of world-class tourism experts and professionals, participating in WTO Academy trainings and mentoring programs, will deepen my knowledge in the field of tourism and contribute to my further research activities at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration," says the VU FEBA doctoral student.

VU FEBA dean Aida Mačerinskienė says: "Tourism is a very dynamic field. It is important that scientific results help to achieve the best goals. Both economics and management can contribute a lot here. I am very happy that one doctoral student from VU FEBA won the opportunity to deepen her knowledge in an organization that collects and analyzes tourism impact data. I think we will have great results from this opportunity. Thank you all for this opportunity, and first of all, I congratulate the doctoral student - Rasuolė Andrulienė!".

WTO European Regional Director Prof. Alessandra Priante adds: "Education is currently a very important tool for revitalizing tourism, so we are investing a lot in order to provide students around the world with the latest and exclusive knowledge." Since the tourism sector is experiencing the greatest ever shortage of skilled labor, we call on countries to emphasize the potential of various professional fields in the tourism sector and to form a new generation of tourism specialists. The WTO is committed to helping member states regain the confidence of prospective students and ensure the stability of tourism-related jobs."

Awarded students from our country will be able to take a distance training course of the WTO Academy and receive an academy diploma for free, as well as perform up to half a year of internship at the WTO and participate in a 6-hour mentorship program organized by the WTO's Department of Innovation, Education and Investment and top-level private sector technology partners., eg: Telefónica, Mastercard, IE University, Amadeus.

In their motivational questionnaires, students suggested applying more tourism innovations, developing conferences, sustainable tourism accessible to all, and personalized trips. These ideas will be presented to experts of the World Tourism Organization, discussed with mentors and, hopefully, implemented in Lithuania in the near future.