We are pleased to announce that March 1, 2023, at 2.00 p.m. INGA STRAVINSKIENĖ will defend her dissertation “Mediating Effect of Robotic Process Automation on the Impact of Business Process Management Capabilities on Perceived Organisation Performance” for the degree of Doctor in Management.

Venue - FEBA, Room 402. The defence can be attended remotely, the link is provided at the end of this invitation.

This dissertation was prepared in the period of 2018 - 2022 at Vilnius University.

Academic supervisor – Prof. Dr. Dalius Serafinas (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Management – S 003).

Academic consultant – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Virginijus Tamaševičius (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Management – S 003).

The Dissertation Defence Panel:

Chairman – Prof. Dr. Vytautas Dikčius (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Management – S 003).


Prof. Dr. Riccardo Beltramo (University of Turin, Social Sciences, Management – S 003).

Prof. Dr. Greta Drūteikienė (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Management – S 003),

Prof. Dr. Rimvydas Skyrius (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Management – S 003),

Prof. Dr. Eglė Staniškienė (Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Management – S 003).

The text of this dissertation can be accessed at the libraries of Vilnius University as well as on the website of Vilnius University: Dissertation by Inga Stravinskienė

Dissertation defence will be held in Lithuanian language.

Link to the dissertation defence