These challenging times have changed our daily life, especially social habbits and freedom to travel. However, we still want to reach important goals and make our dreams come true. We have no doubt that you cannot wait to quench your thirst for travel, knowledge and adventure. International exchange programmes can be a solution.  

We are hopeful that the odd swill be in your favor during the upcoming spring and you will have a chance to get an international experience in the university of your choice!  

Applications for the SPRING semester exchange (AY 2020-2021) are open until the midnight of the  24th of September (bilateral exchange until October 1st midnight).

  •     Apply for ERASMUS+ mobility here.

       The list of the partner universities.

  •     Apply for ARQUS ir Coimbra group mobility here.
  •     Apply for Bilateral exchange here.

ATTENTION! You can apply for different mobility options at the same time.

Please find more information here.

Any questions? Please contact via email:  or  or

Informational session will be held online on the 16th of September (2pm). You are welcome to join (link