A reminder that registration for Erasmus, ARQUS/Coimbra Group, and bilateral exchanges is open until September 23rd (inclusive). On this occasion, we are sharing insights from Greta Sarapinaitė, a graduate of the VU EVAF Business and Law program, about her study experiences abroad.

Greta intro

Hello! I am Greta Sarapinaitė, an alumna of the VU EVAF Business and Law study programme. During my studies I even took the opportunity to study abroad twice with the Erasmus programme. Both times I had chosen Spain as my first choice - the country of my dreams, so I travelled there. I spent one semester at the University of Almeria for the first time as a third year student. The second time I studied at the University of Huelva during my fourth year.

During the exchange, I had an opportunity to choose subjects that I wanted, what I was interested in. Study subjects that left the most impression and benefited me were - E-business, where I had the opportunity to create my own website, the World Economy and Labor Market subjects, because they gave me the opportunity to get to know different cultural perspectives and broaden my horizons and, of course, Spanish language studies. I went to lectures with pleasure. The auditoriums were full of Erasmus students, so we were all constantly studying together, even preparing for exams was a fun time with friends.

What surprised me and really pleased me about the Spanish science culture is the great emphasis on teamwork, focusing on learning, not on the result of a single exam, and maintaining a balance between studies and leisure. Almost all seminars involved group work, and in many lectures the final grade consisted more of continuous assessment of work during the semester than of a final exam, and there was an opportunity for revision. It really helped me learn the material much better because there wasn't too much pressure to "crash" information for one exam. True, the only thing that surprised me a lot is the evaluation system, in which 1/3 of a point is deducted for each wrong answer in the test.

Studying abroad complemented my knowledge gained in the Business and Law degree programme, especially about global business and the international market, and provided many useful insights from a management perspective. Since Lithuania is really different compared to Spain or any other European country, expanding your knowledge and getting to know different cultures is extremely useful for a growing future specialist. This experience greatly developed understanding, tolerance and facilitated communication and work both in a multicultural environment and improved my teamwork skills. In addition, I learned to solve problems better and more efficiently, I improved my self-expression and English language skills.

The experience was truly wonderful and the beauty of the university environment is special, because the campus of the University of Almería has sea, palm trees, fountains and parrots. Also, in this university, at least several times a month, there were celebrations and gatherings of the whole university during lectures with music and good mood. It really contributed to the students' happiness, bonding and a good university experience.

Finally, during my studies abroad, I not only traveled a lot and got to know different cultures, but I also found friends who became family, who even now, more than a year later, open their doors to me in their homes, and I have help in almost all European countries, with these people communication continues and I consider them my best

friends. I would recommend to every person not to be afraid, to get out of their comfort zone and take advantage of such a great opportunity that the university provides. Also, there is an opportunity to get a scholarship during the exchange program, which really helps a lot.

Traveling abroad, far from my parents, friends, from the environment I've known all my life, was a very big step for me, forcing me to completely get out of my comfort zone, but I don't regret it at all, after all, the best things happen when we leave where we're used to. During my time abroad, I have matured, become more tolerant and learned to appreciate the little things, as well as to enjoy life and look at things more easily.

For more information on study exchanges for the spring semester 2024-2025 and registration forms, click here.

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