A meeting of Ukrainian students on November 18 took place at VU FEBA. Students had the opportunity to get to know each other, communicate, exchange experiences of studying, living, working in Lithuania and have fun in the circle of Ukrainian society. The program included interesting stories from ambassadors of Vilnius University.

Alla Dasiv from the Department of Finance gave an inspiring opening speech. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Aida Mačerinskienė also greeted students and wished for all the best. In the meeting, Vice-dean for Research Ignas Zimaitis shared a personal example of how to help Ukraine. Psychologist of Vilnius University Iryna discussed Emotional health: What is it? Moreover, if it is important. Amira Okhtova, from the Communication and Marketing Department of Vilnius University, told about the work of the university in the direction of internationalization. Nethra Dev Milind Dev, Alumni from India of VU FEBA shared her experience of studying at Vilnius University and life in Lithuania. At the end of the program, Yulia Biloshkurska held a Ukrainian national dance master class. 

Thank you all for participating.