We would like to invite you to the conference "Transformation of Science and Business in New Economic Reality", which will take a place on November 25 - 26, 2021. The conference will feature a presentation delivered by Ph.D. Audrius Linartas, Executive Director of The Authority of Audit, Accounting, Property Valuation and Insolvency Management (AVNT). 

Audrius Linartas began his carrier at the Insurance Supervisory Commission, where he had collected a deep knowledge of insurance finance and accounting. Now he is the head of AVNT - regulatory authority responsible for state supervision of auditors, valuers and insolvency managers in Lithuania. For many years he has been the member of the Committee of Business Accounting Standards, which are applied for financial reporting by more than 95 percent of profit seeking companies in Lithuania.

Audrius earned a Ph.D. degree in Economics at Vytautas Magnus university in 2013, He had worked as Associated Professor at Mykolas Romeris University where his area of interest had been the International Financial System. Since 2016 Audrius has been working at Vilnius University as Partnership Professor teaching Financial Analysis.

Since 2020 he has been appointed the Member and from this year the Chairman of the Audit Committee at European Investment Bank, which is the largest multilateral development bank (MDB).

„New ESG disclosures to change business perception“

Today we see the new developments that are changing our perception about what is the best business practice when a company wishes to disclose the information on its financial activities. Historically, we were used to seeing financial companies to disclose the financial information by publishing their annual reports concentrated on presenting how the company’s activity had changed the financial position and the profit of this company. Now main stakeholders of financial companies expect to receive additional, more systemically arranged and comparable ESG information.

EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), which came into force in 2014, has laid down the basic rules on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information. But the modern society is more and more concerned about the company’s activity impact on environment and sustainability. ESG policy is therefore becoming the hot topic of modern financial market. 


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