We would like to invite you to the conference "Transformation of Science and Business in New Economic Reality", which will take a place on November 25-26, 2021. The conference will feature a presentation delivered by Jonas Akelis, Managing Partner of EY in the Baltic States.

Jonas Akelis has significant experience in audit, reorganization and privatization, transactions, strategy, performance improvement and measurement engagements for local, international, public and private companies and NGOs. He has experience in a range of industries - Utilities, Communications, Media and Entertainment, Transportation, Production and others.

Jonas is a Certified Public Auditor of the Republic of Lithuania and a member of the ACCA (UK). He has been a board member of the Investors’ Forum in Lithuania since 2009. Jonas earned a Master’s degree in Accounting and Auditing from Vilnius University, Lithuania.

“Despite all innovations and disruptions, our future will always be the next generation. Our personal and corporate responsibility is to continuously share our knowledge and experience with the younger generation and involve them in challenging assignments to continue learning. I take great pleasure in spending time with, sharing with and learning from younger generations”.

Audit of the future: How are today’s challenges bringing forward the audit of tomorrow?

Business and societies in general only work if there is trust, and that means trust across all aspects of the corporate governance and reporting ecosystem. High-quality, independent assurance is an important element in supporting that trust. Corporate reporting and audit need to evolve to support the need for stakeholders to trust aspects of a company’s business and behaviors that go beyond just how its finances are managed. For auditors to meet this challenge, a wide range of skills is needed. This can best be delivered by a multidisciplinary practice and teams, but the responsibility isn’t solely that of auditors. All participants in the corporate governance and reporting ecosystem have a role to play in delivering the evolution needed.


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