Research Publications
1. Žebrytė, I. (2024). Resilience practices by small businesses of vulnerable ecosystems: entrepreneuring during a disaster. PhD thesis. ISM University of Management and Economics.
2. Žebrytė, I. & Pompermaier, F. (2024) PEACE’22 Handbook on Promoting the Use of Social Economy Tools for Inclusion of Displaced Persons, Migrants or Refugees and Building Peaceful Communities. LiSVA and Diesis Network.
3. Žebrytė, I. et al. (2024, July). Relational Paradigm Approach to Sustainability Education: Business Models for Rural Ecosystems. [Extended abstract] 9th International Conference on New Business Models (NBM2024). Mondragon Unibertsitatea, San Sebastian, Spain.
4. Žebrytė, I. (2023, June). Resilient Business Models for Sustainability Entrepreneuring: Stories from Wallmapu, Abya Yala. [Extended abstract] Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on New Business Models (NBM 2023).
5. Žebrytė, I. (2022). Playbook para docentes en Emprendimiento Sostenible. Universidad de La Frontera. [Playbook for Sustainability Entrepreneurship Educators]. VIPRE & VRIP UFRO. (Result of UFRO DID20-0009 project “Technology-mediated decolonizing teaching-learning of Sustainable Entrepreneurship”).
6. Cantatore, F., Mesa-Tejeda, N., Stevenson-Graf, L., * Žebrytė, I. & Guerrero-Espinoza, J. (2022). “SMEs in Australia and Latin America: A Comparative Study of Regulation and Reality in an Encroaching COVID19 Pandemic”, Revista Jurídicas, Vol. 19 No 1, p. 293-325.
7. Žebrytė, I., Partarrieu-Vistoso, M. & Traipi-Huilipan, N. (2022) Reporte GEM para la región de La Araucanía 2020-2021. [GEM Report for the [Chilean] La Araucanía Region 2020-2021.] Departamento Administración y Economía de la Universidad de La Frontera. Temuco, Chile. Available at: (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report for a subnational regional of Chile, technical report).
8. Žebrytė, I. (2021) Technology-mediated Decolonizing Teaching-learning of Sustainable Entrepreneurship. In Osman, A., El Tarabishy, A., & Yesseleva-Pionka, M. (eds.) “2021 ICSB Global Entrepreneurship Education Report”. ISBN 978-1-7324980-7-5.
9. Žebrytė, I., Ramírez-Valdivia, M., Bustos-Gomez, J. (2021) Knowledge for natural disaster-resilient businesses in emerging economies: a focus on decision-making by tourism entrepreneurs. Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Vol. 43, No 1, pp.61-83. Inderscience, Great Britain. doi 10.1504/IJESB.2021.10034270
10. Barahona-Vidal, V., * Žebrytė, I., Ramírez-Valdivia, M. & Ñanculeo Raguileo, M. (2021) Manual para mejorar la resiliencia de las MiPyMEs regionales frente a desastres y crisis. [Manual for improvement of resilience by regional MSMEs facing disasters and crises]. Universidad de la Frontera, SERCOTEC. (Manual for MSMEs)
11. Žebrytė, I., Fonseca-Vasquez, F. F., & Hartley, R. (2019) Emerging economy entrepreneurs and open data: Decision-making for natural disaster resilience. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 29(1), 36-47. Bradley University & Middle Tennessee State University.
12. Žebrytė, I. & Jorquera, H. (2019) “Business model co-creation for social value generation in emerging economy tourist destinations”, 768-769. In Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Froese, T. (2019) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Business Models: New Business Models for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Transformation, Berlin, Germany, 1-3 July 2019. Berlin: ESCP Europe. ISBN 978-3-96705-001-1. Sponsored by Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), Temuco, Chile, international congress attendance grant 43/2019. (Conference proceedings)
13. Žebrytė, I. & Jorquera, H. (2017) Chilean Tourism Sector ‘B Corporations’: Evidence of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol. 23 Issue: 6, pp. 866-879, (WoS-clarivate Q 3, CABS journal rank 2)
14. Žebrytė, I. & Villegas, L. (2016). La teoría del refugio de contaminación: efectos de la inversión extranjera directa a escala local en Chile. [The Theory of Pollution Heaven: local effects of foreign direct investment in Chile]. Revista Juridicas, Vol. 13-1, Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. (Scopus)
15. Žebrytė, I., Medina, V., & Ritz, K. 2015. Instancias sociales formales de participación ciudadana para migrantes internacionales no convencionales en Chile. [Formal Social Institutions of Citizen Participation for Unconventional International Migrants in Chile] Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política, Vol. 6 (2), pp.117-143. Universidad Católica de Temuco.
16. Zunino, H. & * Žebrytė, I. 2015. Pursuing the essence of existence: the daily quest of utopian migrants in the City of Pucón, Northern Patagonia. In: Torkington, K., David, I. & Sardinha, J. (eds.) Practicing the Good Life: Lifestyle Migration in Practices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 67-83.
17. Matossian, B., * Žebrytė, I. & Zunino, H. 2014. Europeos y estadounidenses en la Norpatagonia andina: nuevas experiencias migratorias [Europeans and US nationals in NorthernAndean Patagonia: new experiences]. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals, edición especial “Migración y crisis global: reacciones, desafíos e incertidumbres”, no 106-107. p. 237-259.
18. Zunino H., Hidalgo R. & * Zebryte I. 2014. “Utopian Lifestyle Migrants in Pucón, Chile: Innovating Social Life and Challenging Capitalism”. In Janoschka M. & Haas H. eds. Contested Spatialities, Lifestyle Migration and Residential Tourism. Book of the Routledge “Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility” series. p. 96-107.
19. Espinoza, L., * Zebryte, I. & Zunino, H.M. 2014. Análisis del discurso de los migrantes de estilo de vida utópicos en la Patagonia andino-lacustre. In Borsdorf, A., Sánchez, R., Hidalgo, R. and Zunino, H. M. (eds.) Los riesgos traen oportunidades. Transformaciones globales en Los Andes sudamericanos, pp. 263-271. Santiago: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Serie GeoLibro.