Elective Courses, General University Studies and Minor Studies

Elective courses

You must register for the elective courses for the next semester through the VU Study Information System at the end of the current semester: by the 15th of December for the Spring semester; by the 15th of May for the Autumn semester. If you are the first-semester student, you must register for the elective courses during the first two weeks of the Autumn semester.
You have a right to cancel the registration to the elective courses and choose different elective courses, however, no later than during the first two weeks of the ongoing semester.

General University Studies (GUS)

If your study plan includes a GUS subject in the Autumn semester, the registration to it begins in the beginning of May and ends on the 15th of May. The second round of registration may be held during the first two weeks of September.

If your study plan includes a GUS subject in the Spring semester, the registration to it begins in the beginning of December and ends on the 15th of December. The second round of registration may be held during the first two weeks of February.

The exact date for GUS registration is announced by the official student’s VU email. The list of GUS subjects is updated for each semester and is available here.

IMPORTANT: you cannot choose a GUS if its title matches any compulsory or elective course in your study programme.

Minor studies

Minor studies in the field (branch), or minor study programme, is a part of the first cycle study programme that includes compulsory and (or) elective courses (modules) from a different study field. The scope of the minor studies is usually 60 ECTS credits.