Course Papers and Final Theses

Paragraph 19 of the Code of Academic Ethics of Vilnius University stipulates that “plagiarism is prohibited at the University” (Code of Academic Ethics of Vilnius University, 2018). Usually several types of plagiarism are distinguished.

  • Plagiarism of authorship is the taking and presentation of another author’s work or its section as part of one’s own work (section), including literal or meaningful translation from a foreign language.
  • Literal plagiarism occurs when an entire sentence, a significant phrase, or a paragraph is moved (written off) from another author’s work without proper reference to the source. Literal plagiarism also includes the literal or meaningful translation of a sentence, a significant phrase or a paragraph from a foreign language and its presentation without proper reference to the source.
  • Plagiarism by changing the word or plagiarism by paraphrasing. If a sentence, a phrase or a paragraph is taken from another author’s work and one or more words are replaced but the source is not mentioned, is also considered as plagiarism. Plagiarism also includes work that (or a part of it) consists of paraphrased (by substituting one word for another) sentences, paragraphs, or paragraphs of other sources without specifying the authors and sources. This type of plagiarism is considered to be a situation where the above-mentioned actions are performed by making a literal or meaningful translation from a foreign language.
  • Incorrect citation - the text, tables or figures of the written work contain data without reference to the source (unless the data is collected by the author himself).
  • Self-plagiarism refers to the reuse of large volumes of your own text without reference to the source. However, text written by a student in previous semesters as part of the Master thesis is not considered self-plagiarism.
  • Compilation is another type of plagiarism where text is compiled, consisting of fragments copied from various sources, even when the text is quoting the sources correctly but without the original text.

Plagiarism also refers to situations where references to non-existent or incorrectly described sources are mentioned in the text when the text mentions the sources but they are not included in the list of references. A violation of the Principle of Academic Integrity shall also be detected if a knowingly erroneous source page or the date of visit to the website are indicated.