Admission 2025
The admission process for the 2025 PhD program will take place in May. During the designated period, applicants will be able to submit their applications and required documents via Vilnius University’s online admission system for third-cycle studies (ISAS) at:
Required Documents for Admission:
- Research project (in PDF format, attached to the registration form) on a topic selected from the approved dissertation topics and supervisors list (see the "Research Project" section). Submission deadline: June 1, 12:00 PM.
- Application form
- Proof of payment of the €15 application fee (Swedbank or SEB payment receipt)
- Copy of an identification document
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Copies of higher education diplomas and transcripts
- Two recommendations from academic researchers
- Copies of research publications and/or documents proving participation in academic conferences (optional)
Applications that are missing any of the required documents (except for research publications and conference participation) will not be considered.
Admission Process:
The admission process consists of two stages:
- Evaluation of the Research Project:
- The submitted research project is reviewed by the admission committee members.
- Only candidates whose projects receive a positive assessment by the committee are invited to the second stage.
- Motivational Interviews: Candidates participate in an online interview via Microsoft Teams with the admission committee.
- The final admission score is calculated based on:
- Research project and interview evaluation – 70%
- Weighted average grade of the diploma transcript – 20%
- Scientific experience and research publications – 10%
Candidates will be informed of their interview schedule via email, so please ensure that you provide a correct and active email address.
Based on the Vilnius University Doctoral Studies Regulations, the PhD admission committee will rank applicants and allocate positions for state-funded and self-funded PhD placements.
Research project
The list of PhD dissertation topics in Management for 2025 admissions
Requirmerents for a research project
The title of the research project may coincide with one of the approved PhD topics in the field of Management (see above) or may deal with a more specific scientific problem of the topic (with approval of the potential supervisor). Admitted candidates will be able to modify the working title in the course of their doctoral studies. The length of the research proposal is limited to 3000 words including references.
Research projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- The title is clear and describes well the research question.
- The research question is clearly formulated, relevant and well-motivated.
a) What is the main research question?
b) Why is this scientific problem important?
c) What are the research goals and objectives?
- A brief analytic discussion of the scholarly research to date on the topic.
a) What is the current state of research in the field?
b) What have been the main scientific contributions to date?
c) What will be the original contribution to knowledge of this research project?
- Theoretical framework and methodological approach of research has been described.
a) What are the main theoretical/empirical challenges related to your research question?
b) What (type of) data will you use?
c) What are the expected stages and the course of the proposed research?
d) Does this project include any collaboration with other researchers or organizations?
e) How realistic is the implementation of the project in practical terms?
- A brief statement of applicant’s qualifications.
a) Have your previous degrees given you the necessary knowledge of the field, discipline, and methodologies you require?
b) What research training will you need to undertake?
fees and funding
The amount of the scholarship is as follows:
- for doctoral students in the first year of their doctoral studies - 19.0 BSA*;
- for doctoral students in the second and subsequent years of their doctoral studies - 22.0 BSA*.
BSA - basic social allowance. From 1 January 2024, the BSA is 70 EUR
Tuition fees
State-funded PhD students are exempted from tuition fees.
Vilnius University tuition fee for full-time (part-time) PhD students is set to €11837 (€7891) per year. Tuition fee can be reduced to Vilnius University faculty members if they have been working at Vilnius University for at least 20 hours per week for the past 10 months.
Employment possibilities
Candidates, showing outstanding academic potential or applying to project-funded topics, in addition will be offered a full-time or part-time position of a Junior Assistant Professor.
One of the most important choices of my life was to study for a PhD in management science. Not only has it opened up a wide range of international opportunities (conferences, internships, etc.), but it has also matured me as a person, scientifically. Together with the professional support of the researchers at this university, I have come a long way in the preparation and successful defence of my PhD thesis. I can confidently say that this university has provided excellent opportunities to develop and implement scientific innovations and to grow as a scientist. I am sincerely grateful to the entire EVAF staff for their high level of culture, professionalism and constant support throughout my studies.
Inga Stravinskienė (graduated in 2023)
Doctoral studies are not just a process of pursuing a degree. It is hard, independent work that forces you to constantly step outside your comfort zone. There are moments when you don't make progress, when everything seems to stand still, etc. Competent lecturers at VU FEBA help to deal with these or similar situations, and the years of their experience and motivation help you to keep moving forward. In my opinion, doctoral studies are a tool that opens up the possibility of empowering one's knowledge by writing scientific articles, participating in international conferences, etc., and contributing to the individual development of the dissertation.
Vaida Jaškevičiūtė (graduated in 2021)
I believe that the human brain is comparable to a muscle in that it requires diverse challenges to remain quick, adaptable, and resilient. Pursuing doctoral studies provides the ideal environment to subject my brain to rigorous challenges, thereby facilitating significant growth. I am grateful for the chance to investigate an issue that is both deeply personal and relevant to the community of business owners and professional managers. Astonishingly, the scientific question I am researching has become a focal point in conversations with both long-time acquaintances and newly-met entrepreneurs and top-level managers. Today it's a daily occurrence. The motivated and dedicated faculty team is a valuable resource that provides the support and guidance necessary for me to calmly focus on my research, discover novel insights, and create benefits for the business world.
Donatas Voveris (PhD student)
I started my PhD journey when I seriously wondered where I could use my creative potential and personal qualities of character to add value. The decision to apply for a PhD at Vilnius University was made while I was still studying for my Master's degree. The choice of the topic was motivated by the unmanaged corporate risks that arose while I was working in the medical field. The idea of proposing my dissertation topic to the PhD committee on risk management in the medical field came to mind. When I entered with my proposed topic, I was encouraged to write my dissertation in English, which I found quite challenging. At this point, I am very happy not to be discouraged, because as it turns out, our limitations are only in our heads. I have broadened my worldview, improved my analytical thinking and developed my willpower while studying at tertiary level. I recommend that only mature individuals who know that they will face challenges and have no doubt that they will overcome them should choose a PhD. A positive attitude is the key to much of the success of a PhD.
Veronika Buckė (PhD student)