Welcome! Привіт! Sveiki!

Дорогі майбутні лідери, наші українські друзі,

Ми запрошуємо вас здійснити свої навчання в одному з найкращих 16% університетів світу. З 1579 року Вільнюський університет спрямовує свої зусилля на досягнення дружби та доброзичливості, де високоякісна освіта переплітається з жвавим студентським життям. Факультет Економіки та Бізнес-адміністрування готовий вітати всіх тих, хто бажає стати фахівцем у сферах економіки, фінансів, управління та маркетингу - особистостей, які можуть зробити значний внесок у економічне благополуччя країни, у якій ви виберете проживати. Кожного року ми щиро вітаємо зростаючу кількість українських студентів, які стають невід'ємною та важливою частиною нашої спільноти. Ми сердечно запрошуємо вас приєднатися до нас у цьому шляху!

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The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University invites Ukrainian students to join its Bachelor’s and Master’s study programs with a 50% tuition fee reduction for the entire study period*

*Ukrainian students will remain eligible for the reduced tuition fee as long as they maintain good academic performance.

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Application deadlines for the next academic year

Admissions for September 1st, 2025 intake for Vilnius University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (VU FEBA) study programs will begin on October, 2024. If you don't want to miss admissions updates and want to find out more about what we have to offer, register here.

Required documents for Ukrainian applicants

Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:

  1. Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Cвідоцтвo про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти / Aтeстат прo повну загальну серeдню освiту).
  2. Appendix to the certificate (Додаток до атестата).
  3. Results of taken ЗНО/NMT examination ( зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання/національний мультипредметний тест) or documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution.

Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:

  1. Bachelor Diploma (Бакалавр/ Спецiалiст).
  2. Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.


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Applying for a TRP

Once tuition fee is collected, the student will get documents required for applying for TRP.

TRPs are issued in VFS Global centres. Prior to making their appointment in VFS Global centres, prospect students must submit their application in Lithuanian MIGRIS system and only after MIGRIS gives them their reference number, they can make an appointment at VFS Global centres. The whole process is quite well explained on VFS Global website.



Yana GrishkovaYana Grishkova, student from Ukraine

Facebook: https://facebook.com/yanagrihkova

Master degree in Marketing and Integrated Communications at Vilnius University was definitely the right choice for me. First of all, I am addressing it to its internationally recognized degree, which beyond any doubt plays a significant role for my future. Secondly, I met multicultural environment that taught me to develop new personal and social skills.

I am grateful to have an opportunity to be involved in various community groups, take part in student exchange programs and to get a high-quality education. Professors at Vilnius University are real experts in their field, they are passionately curious about the subject that they teach. They are ready to answer all the questions and to provide assistance. What I liked the most, were the guest speakers from different businesses, who shared their personal experiences. Many of them were graduates of Vilnius University, which confirms the value of the education here.

In addition to the studies, a fully saturated student life is present for the international students. ESN organization took care to help understanding the culture of Lithuania and organized numerous events for meeting with students from other faculties. Altogether Vilnius University is known for its culture of helping and for the friendly atmosphere.

I consider myself very lucky to be a part of Vilnius University. For that reason, I can wholeheartedly recommend Marketing and Integrated Communications programme to those who are looking for high value education in a pleasant environment.