(In press) Assessing Inflation Convergence in the East African Community, Jemma Dridi and Anh D.M. Nguyen. Journal of International Development.
(2018) Unemployment or Credit: Who Holds the Potential? Results for a Small-Open Economy with a Low Degree of Financialization, Mihnea Constantinescu and Anh D.M. Nguyen. Economic Systems, Volume 42, Issue 4, December 2018, Pages 649-664.
(2018) The Knotty Interplay Between Credit and Housing, Mihnea Constantinescu and Povilas Lastauskas. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 70, November 2018, Pages 241-266.
(2018) Openness and Structural Labour Market Reforms: Ex-ante Counterfactuals, Povilas Lastauskas and Julius Stakėnas. Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol 36, Issue 4, October 2018, p. 723-757.
(2018) Heterogeneity in the internationalization of R&D: Implications for anomalies in finance and macroeconomics, Patrick Grüning. Finance Research Letters, Vol 26, September 2018, pp. 132-138.
(2018) An Experimental Study of Bond Market Pricing, Matthias Weber, John Duffy and Arthur Schram. Journal of Finance, Volume 73, Issue 4, August 2018, Pages 1857-1892.
(2018) The Effects of Listing Authors in Alphabetical Order: A survey of the Empirical Evidence, Matthias Weber. Research Evaluation, Volume 27, Issue 3, 1 July 2018, Pages 238–245.
(2018) Modeling changes in US monetary policy with a time-varying nonlinear Taylor rule, Anh D.M. Nguyen, Efthymios G. Pavlidis and David A. Peel. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, Volume 22, Issue 5.
(2018) Structural Labour Market Reforms in the EU-15: Single-country vs. Coordinated Counterfactuals, Povilas Lastauskas and Julius Stakėnas. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol 44, March 2018, p. 88-99.
(2017) Racial Discrimination in the US Labor Market: Employment and Wage Differentials by Skill. Linas Tarasonis, Daniel Borowczyk-Martins and Jake Bradley. Labour Economics, Vol 49 (December), p. 106–127.
(2017) Evolution of Bilateral Capital Flows to Developing Countries at Intensive and Extensive Margins. Juliana Araujo, Povilas Lastauskas and Chris Papageorgiou. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol 49, Issue 7, Pages 1517-1554.
(2017) Choosing the Rules: Preferences over Voting Systems for Assemblies of Representatives. Matthias Weber. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
(2017) International Endogenous Growth, Macro Anomalies, and Asset Prices. Patrick Grüning. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 78, Pages 118–148.
(2017) On the Drivers of Inflation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Anh D.M. Nguyen, Jemma Dridi, Filiz D. Unsal and Oral H. Williams. International Economics, Volume 151, October 2017, Pages 71-84.
(2016) The Non-Equivalence of Labour Market Taxes: A Real-Effort Experiment. Matthias Weber, Arthur Schram. The Economic Journal.
(2016) Heterogeneous Innovation, Firm Creation and Destruction, and Asset Prices. Jan Bena, Lorenzo Garlappi, and Patrick Grüning. Review of Asset Pricing Studies. Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 46-87.
(2016) Labor market dynamics, endogenous growth, and asset prices. Michael Donadelli and Patrick Grüning. Economics Letters, Volume 143, Pages 32-37.
(2016) Two-tier voting: Measuring inequality and specifying the inverse power problem. Matthias Weber. Mathematical Social Sciences, Volume 79, Pages 40–45.