VU EVAF profesoriui, vyriausiajam mokslo darbuotojui dr. Tomui Baleženčiui skirta skirta Lietuvos mokslo premija. Apdovanojimas skirtas už darbų ciklą „Daugiakriteriniai metodai integruotam efektyvumo vertinimui ir ekonominių sprendimų priėmimui“. 

Dr. Tomas Baležentis: „It was announced yesterday that I had been awarded with Lithuanian National Scientific Prize for 2021. My personality is not that important itself, yet the interesting point is that this is the first time after Lithuania regained independence in 1990 that this prize has been conferred to an economist. To the best of my knowledge, an equivalent award was conferred to an economist, Prof. Raimundas Rajeckas, back in 1989 (it was called State Scientific Prize then).

On this occasion, I would like to extend sincere gratitude to my colleagues in Lithuania and abroad. Your expertise, encouragement and critique have all yielded these results that have been approved by this award. Finally, I wish that said time gap for Lithuanian economists to receive this prize would not appear again.“

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