Our partner: the Bank of Lithuania invites to join the economics online seminar series:
14 January 2021 10:30
Presenter - Daniele d'Arienzo.
Title: “ Maturity Increasing Overreaction and Bond Market Puzzles”
20 January 2021 16:00
Presenter - Gáti Laura.
Title: “Monetary Policy & Anchored Expectations An Endogenous Gain Learning Model
21 January 2021 10:30
Presenter - Krause Thomas.
Title: “Minority Political Representation, Regulatory Credit Access, and Mortgage Lending”
22 January 2021 10:30
Presenter - Kichko Sergey.
Title: “Working from home and the city”
27 January 2021 10:30
Presenter - Alexandrov Andrey.
Title: “Understanding Leverage Determinants”
28 January 2021 10:30
Presenter - Ruzicka Josef.
Title: “Smooth Quantile Projections”