Džiaugiamės galėdami pakviesti visus į Ekonominės ekspertizės centro mokslinį seminarą, kuris vyks spalio 12 d. (ketvirtadienį) 14.00 val. Seminaro metu vyriausiasis mokslo darbuotojas Yannick Joye pristatys temą „Watching Beautiful Nature Buffers Against Task Disengagement. Testing the Nature-as-Reward Hypothesis“.

Trumpa tyrimo apžvalga 

„In the present research, we tested the 'nature-as-reward hypothesis' (Joye et al., 2022), which posits that superior cognitive task performance after exposure to nature reflects a general improvement in performance driven by the reward value of beautiful surroundings, rather than cognitive resource replenishment (cf., Attention Restoration Theory; Kaplan, 1995). 

In an online experiment, 205 participants were presented with an image of either a beautiful or less beautiful natural scene for 10 seconds, followed by a ticking task that required them to tick up to 200 boxes at their own pace. Participants completed four such ticking tasks, each preceded by a nature image. A subset of participants had the ticking task framed as a game. 

Our findings indicate that viewing less beautiful natural scenes led to a significant decline in work performance over the four ticking tasks, suggestive of task disengagement. However, task performance remained consistent over the four ticking tasks when participants viewed beautiful nature images. When the ticking task was framed as a game, there was no significant difference in work performance between the two nature conditions.“

Informacija apie seminarą

  • Laikas: spalio 12 d. 14.00-15.00 val.
  • Vieta: VU TechHub konferencijų salė (40) (NB: seminaras vyks gyvai ir nebus transliuojamas internetu)
  • Pranešėjas: Yannick Joye, EEC vyr. mokslo darbuotojas
  • Tema: "Watching Beautiful Nature Buffers Against Task Disengagement. Testing the Nature-as-Reward Hypothesis" 
  • Seminaro kalba: anglų


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