Kviečiame studentus dalyvauti tarptautiniame studentų konkurse "Do you know IFRS-2020"!

Iki trečiadienio ( Vasario 12 d.) 15 val. norinčius kviečiame registruotis el. paštu

Daugiau informacijos rasite žemiau pateiktame konkurso reglamente.

1. General terms

The Fifth International Student Competition (ISC) «Do You know IFRS - 2020» will be held to bring together higher educational universities in improving the quality of bachelor's and master's degrees, in development of their creative abilities, improving the network of academic and extracurricular activities with students.

The competition is open to bachelors and masters of all universities in the following areas: «Economics», «Management», «Finance and Credit», «Business».

ISC aims to identify the level of knowledge, competencies and skills of students in the field of international financial reporting standards (IFRS/IAS), as well as the shortcomings and weaknesses in the organization of this work.


2. Competition procedure, requirements to the participants.


Dates of 5-th ISC «Do You know IFRS - 2020» - from 1st February, 2020 to 29th February, 2020.

The competition is held in absentia, using the rules and regulations of distance learning. Team - the winner and teams taken the second and third places are determined separately for bachelors and masters.

A competition is open for the teams based on applications sent from universities. Teams have to consist of 1-5 baccalaureate students and 1-5 master students of any year from university.

The competition is held separately for teams of bachelors and masters.

Allowed to re-sit in the competition «Do you know of IFRS», but no more than twice in each educational level.

3. Organizing Committee of the competition.


All the preparations and organizational work for the 5-th ISC «Do You know IFRS - 2020» provides Organizing Committee consisting of:

Chairman of the Organizing Committee – Irina Yu. Evstafieva - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance SPbSUE (Unecon);

Vice-Chairman of the Organizing Committee – Natalia A. Kamordzhanova – Head of audit and internal control department SPbSUE, Head of the master's program «Accounting, analysis and audit in economy branches»;

Members of the Organizing Committee:

Pavel A. Vasin – Audit Director of the branch of BDO Unicon JSC in St. Petersburg

Tatiana G. Tumarova – Director of the Institute of Magistracy SPbSUE (Unecon);

Organizing Committee forms a jury of highly skilled teachers and employers' representatives.

Composition of the jury:

Chairman – Larisa V. Efremova – managing partner of BDO Unicon JSC,


- Irina A. Katsyuba – vice-dean of the Faculty of Economics and Finance, Ph.D., Associate Professor;

- Pavel A. Vasin – Audit Director of the branch of BDO Unicon JSC in St. Petersburg;

- Aleksandr Yu. Grebenyuk – managing partner of Ernst & Young;

- Irina N. Dernovskaya, – ACCA, Head of Corporate Reporting, JSC Polymetal Management;

- Genrietta V. Soboleva - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, Accounting and Audit of St.-Petersburg State University;

- Natalia A. Sokolova - - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics, Accounting and Audit of St.-Petersburg State University;

- Sergey V. Moderov - Ph.D., director of «IFRS-AUDIT» LLC;

- Olga V. Rozhnova- Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,

- Irina O. Yurasova - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,

- Julia Yu. Smolnikova - Ph.D., Associate Professor of audit and internal control department;

- Evgeniya D. Sharf – assistant manager of the branch of BDO Unicon JSC in St. Petersburg.


4. Procedure for the 5-th International student competition «Do You know IFRS - 2020»


International student competition is held to assess the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the block of disciplines on areas specified in paragraph 1 hereof. Tasks have been prepared by BDO Unicon, KPMG, Deloitte & Touche CIS, Acsour, PKF MСD and Ernst & Young companies on the basis of the studied materials in accordance with state educational standards of the Russian Federation and international standards.

Working language - English.

15th February, 2020 at 12.00 a.m. Moscow time (midnight) to the teams - participants will be sent the materials of the case by e-mail, specified in the application of the university.

During the period from 15th February - 16th February, 2020 participants of the competition are working on the task.

Not later than the 16th February, 2020 to 12.00 a.m. Moscow time (midnight), participants must send their solutions on the case studies by email. 

Solutions must be presented in English.


5. Summarizing


Jury of the competition in the period from 19th to 25th February 2020 check presented works and evaluates them according to the following criteria

- Correctness of the decision of the case;

- Argumentation solutions;

- Possession of IFRS terminology;

- Design work.

Following the contest jury as a result of an open discussion and vote decide on the three teams - the prize-winner (first place, second place, third place). The jury has the right to additionally identify other nominations for participation in the competition.


6. Awarding of the winners.


The results of the International student competition will be announced on 2nd March, 2020.

Teams - participants who took the first three places are awarded with diplomas of the winners (I-st, II-nd and III-d degree).

All participants will receive a Certificate of participation which will be sent to the post address specified in the registration form of the university.